Tips for your best buying (or selling) experience yet!

Tips for Buying or Selling Your Home

Your home is a major investment, one that takes careful thought and preparation. With so many factors, it can certainly be daunting! Whether buying or selling, we’ve narrowed down the process to just a few key points to help you get moving in the right direction.

Set Realistic Expectations

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and the possibilities, but before doing anything, it’s critical that you carefully assess your situation. Setting a budget before moving forward allows you to focus your energy without getting distracted by features outside your budget. Similarly, understanding the market will help you determine your budget: by knowing if it’s a “buyer’s” or “seller’” market, you can better prepare yourself for the delays or competition that may occur. While negotiating is valuable, it’s equally important to price and place bids that are reasonable.

Understand the Value

A home is an investment that carries intrinsic value, but not every home is the same. Current market value as well as the improvements made to a home will give you a better idea of the buy-sell value. Buyers should also consider the less tangible value of closing costs, flexibility with closing dates, items included in the purchase, or related taxes and insurance.  Ultimately, the price involves more than just the cost of the house, so it’s wise to look at the whole value before going into the negotiation.

Respect Others Involved

It’s not abnormal for the majority of home buying and selling to proceed through an intermediary, with direct contact being limited between buyer and seller. But in all your interactions, remember to respect others and treat them as kindly as possible. Treating the negotiations as a conversation, responding quickly and enthusiastically, and working with a respected real estate agent will make the process more amicable and ultimately provide the best results.  

Work with a Trusted Agent

Most importantly, make sure the agent you’re working with is someone you trust, and knowledgeable in the market. Your agent makes all the difference between a positive, efficient sale experience and having a terrible experience.

When choosing an agent to help you buy or sell a home, look for someone with a loyal following and experience. They’ll be able to help you reach your goals and achieve the best price for you and for those involved. At Fairfield Group Realtors, we’re committed to making the process as efficient and enjoyable as possible, bringing over 20 years of experience in the Fort Wayne and Allen County markets. Contact us today to learn more about the Fairfield process for listing, staging, and buying your home.